Transitions: Powerful Ways to Control Attackers

This weekend students at Koyama Dojo worked on transitions. Transitions in Hakko Denshin Ryu are when you move from one applied principle to another to help move an attacker where you want them, typically in a controlled position.

Teaching Transitions

We teach Hakko Denshin Ryu practitioners the relationships between principles early as part of henka, even if some of the underlying techniques are not fully understood until you officially learn their applications in their respective waza. Teaching this way shows students that even the most basic understanding of a principle is practical and can be applied to establish control of an attacker.

It is better to know a technique exists and have a basic understanding of its applications, than not know at all and be in a situation where it could have been used to defend yourself.

Transitions become part of your muscle memory, more proficient, controlled, and effective with practice.

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