Fire Update: Restoration in Progress

Dear Students,

We hope this message finds you well. We would like to provide you with an update regarding the restoration progress following the recent fire incident in our building. We are pleased to inform you that the restoration crews have been working diligently, and we anticipate that their work will be completed by Monday, May 22nd.

Assuming the restoration process proceeds as scheduled, we are planning to resume classes on Monday, May 22nd. However, please note that this timeline is subject to the successful completion of the restoration work. We will keep you informed of any changes or updates regarding the class resumption date.

We understand that the temporary closure has disrupted your training routine, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. As previously mentioned, for our monthly paying students, we will be refunding you for the lost training time during the closure period.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. We will do our best to address your questions and provide timely updates as needed.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and we look forward to welcoming you back to the dojo on Monday, May 22nd, provided that the restoration work proceeds as planned.


Scott Evans
Menkyo Kaiden Shihan San Dai Kichu

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