Fine Points & Submission Transitions

In Hakko Denshin Ryu, we study waza (forms) and henka (practical applications). This past week, Shihan Evans covered fine points in waza, and various transitions students can use to move from one submission principle to another.

Waza Fine Points

In the waza fine points, Shihan Evans emphasized the importance of structure, stance, and strikes in Tachi Ate (standing strike); posture, contact, and weight shift in Tachi Ude Osae Dori (shoulder seizure pin art); and stance, transferring body weight and hip rotation in Hiki Nage (pull throw). Upper dans were also shown fine points relating to their specific corresponding dan waza.

Henka Training

For henka training, Shihan Evans demonstrated the relationship between several different submission principles, such as Osae Dori and Mochi Mawari, Te Kagame and Konoha Gaeshi, Osae Dori, and Aya Dori.

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